Our Bicycle Health team is comprised of addiction-medicine trained physicians, nurse practitioners (NPs), and physician assistants (PAs) who are committed to providing safe, confidential, and affordable Suboxone treatment for opioid use disorder. Here at Bicycle Health, we combine buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone) treatment with behavioral health supports, including online support groups and linkage to individual and in-person services.
Telemedicine allows patients to track their symptoms and how they’re feeling throughout each day, with that information then instantly sent to their suboxone treatment providers, allowing clinicians to provide the highest level of support to patients in-the-moment.
Medication for Addiction Treatment (‘MAT’ for short) is the gold standard for treating opioid addiction. The goal of MAT is to help people stop and stay off opioids. MAT is very effective at preventing withdrawal and relapse. There are a few medications that doctors can prescribe for MAT, but the most cutting-edge research shows that Suboxone and medications with the same active ingredients are the most effective and safest.
Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone and is the most well-known medication with these ingredients. Other medications that have the same active ingredients are Zubsolv, Bunavail, and generic versions. These medications do not create the “high” that drugs like oxycodone and heroin do, but they are very good at preventing withdrawal and relapse. The addiction medicine doctors at Bicycle Health are available for next-day appointments to talk about your options for getting off and staying off opioids.
When taken as prescribed by a board-certified specialist, the goal of Suboxone treatment is to ease opioid withdrawals and reduce opioid cravings. Suboxone is very effective at preventing withdrawal and relapse – much more effective than other treatments. We know from research that 75% of patients who take Suboxone are still in recovery and have clean urine drug tests a full year later. It is also very safe – so safe it can even be prescribed to pregnant patients. Patients who take Suboxone have lower rates of early death AND have much better quality of life than patients who do not take it. At Bicycle Health, our addiction medicine doctors are experienced at providing online care and can prescribe Suboxone and other medications. Our doctors are available for next-day virtual appointments – no doctor’s office needed.
Research shows that with MAT, 75% of patients will still be in recovery one year later. Conversely, studies demonstrate that within one month of stopping buprenorphine treatment, more than 50% of patients relapse to illicit opioid use.
Our science-backed approach boasts 95% of patients reporting no withdrawal symptoms at 7 days. We can help you achieve easier days and a happier future.
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